The project consisted of the design and construction of a 120 acre property adjacent to the Quarry Hill neighborhood in Fitchburg. The process was a collaborative effort and had close communications with the owner whose vision for the area was a working and living environment fostering scientific advances, improved health and environmental protection.
As part of the plan approval process, the residentially classified land was rezoned to accommodate the proposed change in use. Meetings were held to educate and to listen to concerns held by nearby residents regarding the introduction of commercial, office and retail properties into the neighborhood.
The team responded by creating a plan that provided more residential buffering, preserved environmental features, reduced traffic concerns and incorporated inviting pedestrian trails and bike paths. Ultimately, the new technology campus was also introduced to complement the existing residential neighborhood.
The project team worked with the City of Fitchburg and Dane County on intersection improvements at the corner of Lacy Road and Fish Hatchery Road. Preliminary and Final Platting was provided as well as construction plans for all public road improvements. The construction plans included underground pipes, roads, sidewalks, bike paths and stormwater management facilities. Dave represented the owner at design and construction meetings to ensure the success of the project.